Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tour of My Pageflake

Pageflakes is a one stop research spot where you can store your resources for convenient retrieval. You can add search bars, RSS feeds, and bibliographies to your pageflake. Everything you add serves as a flake and is conveniently displayed in a bar on your page. You can label and organize your flakes accordingly. On my page, my flakes include: RSS feeds, active searches, my Zotero bibliography, my Diigo bookmarks, and my Del.ic.ious social bookmarking soul mate (Richardkulisz).

RSS Feeds: My RSS feeds consist of blogs that have been useful to me or blogs that I think will be useful to me in the future. Some RSS feeds contain specific social pressures such as the pressure to be skinny, the pressure to get married, the pressure for higher education, etc. Other RSS feeds contain broader topics such as the pressure to be perfect, the pressure to be a good person, the pressure to be cool. Whichever way, my RSS feeds contain useful information that can either help me on a specific topic or can give me ideas about new topics.

Asma’s Blog gives insights about the pressures that the author and her friends experience, along with her analysis of them. It discusses the pressure to get married, the pressure to be good looking, and the pressure to make a difference in the world in a couple different posts each.

Bradley Krone AP Blog contains blogs that argues against society’s pressure for perfection and society’s pressure for beauty.

Daddy Dialectic concerns how the children in our society are raised nowadays as well as the lifestyle of our modern families. It discusses the pressures we face as parents and as wives and husbands and the pressures we put on our children. More information…

Dating Speech contains posts about the pressure to date, the pressure to get married, and the pressure to not get divorced.

Everyday Sociology provides a list of categories of topics that relate to social pressures such as Popular Culture and Consumption, Social Problems, Politics, and Social Change, and Social Psychology. It also analyzes specific pressures and their effects on our thoughts and behaviors. More information…

Happiness is Life’s Journey rambles about the pressures that society puts on people that prevent them from fulfilling complete happiness. More information…

Jayniechip contains an interesting post about society’s pressure to be right-handed.

Mind Readers Dictionary lays out the blogger’s observations of people’s actions and behaviors in given events and situations. It discusses how certain pressures influence people to think and behave in a certain way. More information…

Reflections reports the author’s observations of and experiences with people. Some of the topics he covers are conformity, obedience, and expectations, which are the basis for people giving into societal pressures. More information…

Sociological Stew recounts the author’s encounters with political and societal pressures as well as her discussions with her students about these issues. She explains what people do to cope with these pressures. More information…

Search Flakes: In both the Universal Blog Search and the Universal News Search, the search term is ‘society’s pressures.’ When other search terms such as ‘society pressures’ and ‘social pressures’ are typed into the search bar, the results tend to be about politics. Although ‘society’s pressures’ also resulted in mostly articles about politics as well, it offered the most useful articles on this topic. Some articles that showed up were the pressure to maintain abstinence until marriage and the pressure to stay in a marriage despite unhappiness.

Zotero Bibliography: My bibliography contains annotations for a couple sources. Most of these sources’ annotations (Being Successful, How the Educational Process Puts Pressure on Students, Students Face Mounting Pressure to Succeed, and There’s No Pressure Here!) can be found on this post. Doing School: How We Are Creating a Generation of Stressed-Out, Materialistic, and Miseducated Students discusses how the American society’s pressure on students to excel in school has caused students’ to adopt unhealthy habits and lifestyles in order to succeed in school. This pressure on students has made them unappreciative of education and the purpose of learning. Student Stress: Effects and Solutions discusses the stress that students face at school and suggests how they can reduce it. Students nowadays are pressured to do well in every aspect of school that it causes them to get stressed out and to adopt an unhealthy lifestyle. Parents and faculties push students so hard toward success and achievement that they do not realize the negative effects they are putting on the students.

Diigo Bookmarks and Del.ic.ious Social Bookmarking Soul Mate: My Diigo bookmarks include blogs and articles that either talks directly about specific social pressures or it relates to the general topic of social pressures. This, in a way, serves in a similar way to my RSS feeds. More information on my Del.ic.ious social bookmarking soul mate (Richardkulisz) can be found on my post.

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