PsychWidget is a somewhat popular tool. Since its release on August 13, 2008, there have been 14,592 downloads. Its first version was updated to Version 2.0 on March 18, 2009, with faster search engine results, more information about partner sites, and a retractable slide-out panel. It was updated again to Version 2.1 on March 28, 2009.
PsychWidget has been getting fairly good ratings. Its average rating is four stars out of five. Although there have not been many reviews, all the reviews that it has received are very good reviews. Many users comment that it is a very cool widget and that it is a useful tool. They also comment that it works fine. One user even said that it was fun. According to the Yahoo! Widgets users, PsychWidget falls under the fun category (versus the categories beautiful and useful). I think it could also fall under the category useful too because it provides you with information as well as resources to more information. The only limitation with PsychWidget is that it places a great emphasis on social psychology and might not include as much information about other aspects of psychology as you might want or need. Although it does include other aspects of psychology, its main emphasis is on social psychology. So, you would only find this widget useful if you generally want information about social psychology or topics related to social psychology.
When you type your topic into the news search engine in the widget, it directs you to the Social Psychology Network website with your headline search results. You can choose to either have all the results displayed or to only display results from the past year, the past month, or the past week. When you type your topic into the Social Psychology Network search engine in the widget, it directs you to the Social Psychology Network website with your Social Psychology Network search results. You can choose to either have all the results displayed or to only display publications (you can choose to display all the publications or only books, only journals, only articles, or only others), people (you can choose to display all the people or only Social Psychology Network profiles, only Social Psychology Network mentors, or only Media contacts), and other (you can choose to display all the other results or only courses, only organizations, or only miscellaneous). You can also do advanced search to narrow or specify your results.
When you click on the forum button in the widget, it directs you to the Social Psychology Network website that provides you with either student discussions or professional discussions. In these discussions, you can choose a discussion topic you want to discuss about. You can also post or look for jobs that are hiring under Job Postings. Also, you can add and share website links under Add-a Link. When you click on the directory, it directs you to the Social Psychology Network website where you can search for Social Psychology Network profiles, or you can choose to specifically search for Social Psychology Network mentors or media contacts. You can even use the GeoSearch Profiles to locate them by regions. You can also browse through certain topics such as attributions, emotion, and gender.
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