Hi! I am a student at USC and I am majoring in Psychology. As an aspiring psychologist, I am naturally inclined to the field of psychology, especially social psychology. I am interested in people’s thoughts and behaviors and why they think and behave the way they do. My blogs might not be as bizarre and absurd as some of Sigmund Freud’s theories (although I must say that his theories, no matter how bizarre and absurd they seem, are highly valid). Do not worry; I will not be blogging about how your behaviors are driven by your libido (your sexual impulses), nor will I be blogging about how you are unconsciously jealous of your same-sexed parent because he/she is taking away the attention of your opposite-sexed parent that would have otherwise been given to you.
I will be blogging about society’s pressures on people and how those pressures affect the way people think and behave. I will be blogging about the different pressures that society puts on an individual: the pressure to be good-looking, the pressure to be successful, the pressure to get married, etc. It interests me how society’s pressures affect us: the way we think, the way we behave, the way we live. Society’s pressures are highly influential in our lives. We judge what we should be and what our lives should be like based on what society thinks. As much as we would like to think otherwise, we, in a way, conform to society’s pressures. Ironically, though, we do not realize that we individually make up this society. So, in a way, it is not only society’s pressures on us but it is also the pressures we put on ourselves based on what we think other people in our society thinks.
I am interested in this topic because I feel like everyone, including myself, gets overwhelmed with society’s pressures from time to time. As a young adult, I have been faced with many societal pressures such as the pressure to obtain higher education, the pressure to dress well, and the pressure to know what I want to do with my life, to name a few. Sometimes we do not realize that everyone else faces the same societal pressures as we do. We are all affected by societal pressures. These societal pressures cause us to think and behave a certain way, whether we realize it or not. I, for instance, might not be studying as hard in school, go shopping as often, or fixating on my future as much if it were not for the pressures I felt from society.
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